The Gazelle
Mar 2, 2025
Research Desk
The idea of doing a study in Spain came because nothing was known about the process of the adaptation of children of immigrants in Europe. Originally...
Pranav Mehta
Four score and one and a half months ago, I walked into A3-001 with a copy of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and a Tom Cruise poster....
Henry Jiang
The UAE is introducing new labor laws through three royal decrees that will take effect from Jan. 1, 2016. The laws aim to protect the rights of ...
Tessa Ayson
Sneha Gyawali
Josefina Dumay Neder
Kristina Stanković
Isabella Peralta
Freshman Pranav Mehta is an engineering major whose poetry revolves around seemingly mundane things. His work doesn't conform to any particular...
Whether it's trouble with a long distance relationship, choosing your major or feeling like NYUAD is not the right place for you, A Word of Advice is...
Hannah Taylor
Autumn has always been my favorite season: leaves change to vibrant sunset shades, the air grows cooler and crisper and there’s a magical energy ...
Larayb Abrar
A year ago, if you had asked me to read something you wrote, my answer would probably have been, “It’s terrible, I hate it.” Because a) if it’s bad,...
Jocilyn Estes
The Millennium Development Goals, a time-sensitive agenda of specific initiatives for the developing world, was proposed by member states of the...
Sebastián Rojas Cabal
Sebastián Rojas Cabal is research editor. Email him at ...
Jackal Radio, NYU Abu Dhabi’s newest forum for self-expression and musical debauchery, has now produced two weeks of shows ranging from passionate ...
Warda Malik
For the month of October, the Saadiyat campus has turned pink to raise awareness for breast cancer. This is part of a worldwide campaign to support...
Connor Pearce
Kicking off on Sept. 18, The Rugby World Cup has inflamed passions among a small sector of the student body, while arousing bemusement across the...
Jeffrey Jensen
Lasting from 1861 to 1865, the U.S. Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars of the 19th century. The estimated 750,000 soldiers killed outnumber...
Yet another hot, humid Abu Dhabi day. Impatiently we stand outside the Welcome Center, drops of sweat sliding down our backs, as we await our taxi...
Saka Naka
The NYU Abu Dhabi Arts Center has seen a phenomenal start to its new season, with nearly every show sold out so far. For Executive Director Bill ...
Joey Bui
If I had children, or if only my dogs could read, definitely Alice in Wonderland. It resonates at every level of your life. If I had kids, I’d want...
Cliques are generally seen as a common feature of high schools, where Mean Girl-esque maps rule cafeterias and social interactions are pooled into ...
In a school as diverse as NYU Abu Dhabi, cross-cultural learning might be one of our strongest draws. We mash our dissimilarities together into an ...
Clare Hennig
Over the past long weekend, the NYU Abu Dhabi Arabic department organized a class trip to Jordan. Two dozen of the students enrolled in Intermediate...
Jhamal Fanning
The cool air touches your cheeks as you walk down the sidewalk past Campus Center. You see a Starbucks vendor surrounded by the falling leaves of ...
Karolina Wilczynska
Hot pot for shwarma, the Bund for the beach, NYU Shanghai for NYU Abu Dhabi. This is, in part, the exchange that 12 NYUSH juniors made in deciding to...