The Gazelle
Mar 2, 2025
Liza Tait-Bailey
NEW YORK CITY, U.S.A. — Waking up the morning after the referendum of the United Kingdom’s membership of European Union was a surreal experience,...
Charlie Hebdo, San Bernardino, Orlando; reading The New York Times on June 12, one would have thought this was yet another attack on the notion of ...
Khadeeja Farooqui
Finals, purple gowns, 42 degree Celsius heat and summer have engulfed conversations at dinner tables and in lines at the Library Cafe. One more ...
Zoe H
Sala Shaker
Sam Ball
Supriya Kamath
Lamees AM
Lamees AM is a contributing writer. Email her at Dear NYU Abu Dhabi, In less than 24 hours, I will begin my last week of ...
The Gazelle Staff
Here at The Gazelle, we work hard to bring you interesting, informative content that you can enjoy and engage with. But as we head off into the...
Megan Eloise
On May 4, the Dean of Students Kyle Farley announced, in a campus-wide email, that the Student Health and Wellness Center would now be fully staffed,...
Rend Beiruti
On May 3, theater students received an email from the Head of Department Rubén Polendo, informing them of his imminent departure from NYU in Abu...
A revised version of the poem “If—” by Rudyard Kipling. If you say something in class and only look to your male counterparts for a response or a nod...
Abu Dhabi has an uncanny feeling about it. It is similar to many other places I’ve been, and might bring back bad memories for anyone who was born...
Daniah Kheetan
Tala Nassar
In a historic move, the NYU Graduate Student Organizing Committee, a union that represents roughly 1,200 graduate students, recently voted to endorse...
There is something remarkably ordinary about the day before your life changes forever. It was mid-August, and we were packing. Well, my mother was. I...
Chris Wheeler
About 20 minutes into a meeting between the current and new Executive Board members this week, an incoming member paused for a few seconds, then...
Muhammad Usman
When I applied to be president of TASHAN, I did so because I believed that South Asian cultures needed to be better represented on campus than they...
Over the past few weeks, The Gazelle has published a series of opinion pieces regarding the use of the term U.S. American. The Gazelle is grateful to...
Ahmed Meshref
On April 20, the Office of First Year Programming announced the introduction of the College Parents program, in which rising sophomores sign up in ...
New York, U.S.A. — As summer funding decisions were being released in spring 2016, current juniors in the Science Division who had applied for summer...