The Gazelle
Mar 2, 2025
Research Desk
This week, The Gazelle’s Research Desk held a live Ask Me Anything session with assistant professor of Political Science Peter van der Windt. For an...
Connor Pearce
Larayb Abrar
Although Student Government has numerous committees to advocate for student interests, this semester, several students have carried out initiatives...
Hannah Taylor
Initially a Student Interest Group dedicated to coffee appreciation, Blacksmith has evolved into an entrepreneurial venture that now enjoys the ...
Kristina Stanković
Karolina Wilczynska
Dominique Lear
Anastasiya Stojchevska
Daniah Kheetan
Hadeel Marzouq
Isabella Peralta
Sophomore Vivi Kawas is a literature major who is interested in exploring the abstract through writing. Kawas believes that pushing the boundaries of...
Supriya Kamath
A few days ago, I was locked out of my bedroom. It was my first time. I have a single bedroom, so there was no roommate I could call to rescue me...
Belmin Mostic
Congratulations! You receive your acceptance letter to NYU Abu Dhabi, and the tingling emotions created by the flapping butterfly wings in your...
I am between 50 to 78 percent sure that I am undergoing a quarter-life crisis. I am almost 100 percent sure that starting college has ignited it....
Mohamad Eid
Touch plays a prominent role in interpersonal communication. Haptics, a term derived from the Greek verb “haptesthai” meaning “to touch”, refers to...
Following months of preparation that involved weekly debates as well as guest speakers on specialized issues, NYU Abu Dhabi broke into to the ...
Warda Malik
The East Plaza pulsated with the melodies of rich, electrifying music as a crowd welcomed the Malian band Les Ambassadeurs to the Arts Center stage...
Annie Bauer
Over the past two weeks, student protests at Yale University and the University of Missouri have made national headlines in the United States. ...
Penelope Peng
On Nov. 13, a series of terror attacks rocked the city of Paris. Beginning at 9:20 p.m. local time, suicide bombers and gunmen carried out seven ...
The Faculty Council is a deliberative body that is open to all faculty at NYU Abu Dhabi. In addition, the student body held an open vote on Nov. 22,...
Abu Dhabi is home to some of the prettiest white-sand beaches in the Emirates. Though there are few public beaches, and prices often vary on weekdays...
At a school where languages and dialects frequently mix, expressing emotions can require its own unique form of translation. Regardless of what ...
Nia Wilson
85 nationalities, 75 languages. NYU Abu Dhabi puts diversity at the forefront of its carefully-crafted image, assuming the presence of a community...
It’s five in the morning. The six of us have been crammed in a conference room for the past 20 hours studying for finals. All it took was one...