
On Media Attention Surrounding NYUAD

Following the conversation on workers’ rights will reveal noises blaring from all directions. While ignorance is not an option, I sympathize with those ...

Apr 11, 2015

Following the conversation on workers’ rights will reveal noises blaring from all directions. While ignorance is not an option, I sympathize with those who are taxed by such a lengthy ongoing discussion. More recently, commentary from Newsweek and NYU Local has also called into question the actions that we as students are taking to address the allegations faced by NYU Abu Dhabi. How do we react in the face of such cacophony, amidst a sea of media attention?
If you are so motivated to act beyond being aware of the allegations posed to our institution, there is no shortage of opportunities to get involved: we have a number of students, faculty and staff dedicated to contributing constructively to both discussion and action. Our community’s inclusive nature serves as an open invitation to anyone willing to work with on-campus groups like ADvocacy and their faculty partners. But not everyone has to take significant action in light of the allegations.
Awareness is the bare minimum: we have a responsibility to be familiar with the facts and opinions regarding workers’ rights and the alleged violations thereof. Staying aware affords you a constructive and respected opinion, grounded in citable fact and commentary. At the same time however, we have an equal responsibility to continue in the pursuit of our academic and extracurricular endeavours. We cannot allow media attention to distract us from the reasons for which we were granted admission to NYU Abu Dhabi in the first place: an unwavering commitment to learning.
Our greatest strength lies in our everyday actions, both on and off campus. Scattered across our community are people like you and me, dedicated to a plethora of projects contributing to academia, the greater Abu Dhabi community and beyond. From the actors to the climate scientists, from the writers to the economists, the combination of our individual efforts help us showcase the reasons for which we chose to call this place home. Everyday effort is both our community’s least common denominator of action and our competitive advantage.
If you want to get involved in the conversation on workers’ rights allegations, don’t hesitate. At the very least, be aware of facts and opinions. But never lose sight of the individual pursuit of your passions. The cacophony we face must be matched with the noise we’ve been making since day one: a tour de force of academics and extracurriculars that have shaped us into who we are today. When we produce that noise, we can board our collective flight grounded in our shared drive and character. And when we consistently do so, we fly in the face of cacophony.
Benjamin Jance IV is a contributing writer. Email him at
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