Corey Meyer is currently studying in Abu Dhabi. He has previously served two terms as vice president. Meyer has also served as a chair on the Representative Committee for Academic Divisions and a student representative on the Faculty Council. In his platform Meyer says, “I will continue increasing transparency by publicizing decisions and discussions of the Executive Board and by facilitating more opportunities for input and votes by the General Assembly.”
Hamel Al-Qubaisi
Running for: President
Hamel Al-Qubaisi is currently studying in London. Al-Qubaisi said that his priority is reducing any bureaucratic barriers to student involvement in General Assemblies. Al-Qubaisi said, “Careers and further education are of my greatest concerns. Working closely with the administration and the CDC, we will put all our efforts to further achieve higher results in terms of graduate school opportunities and employment, especially at the local level.”
Alexander Hamilton Peel
Running for: Vice President
Alexander Peel is a former class representative. Peel stated that he aimed to tackle the larger issues, such as the core curriculum, graduation requirements, capstones and study abroad while also focusing on smaller-scale problems. Peel said that he aims to improve “communication between the student government and the community at large.”
Alex Nyikos
Running for: Vice President
Former treasurer Alex Nyikos is running for Vice President. Nyikos said that he would focus on further implementing Yalla, clarifying capstone requirements and improving the responsiveness and effectiveness of committees by empowering committee chairs.
Benjamin Jance IV
Running for:Global Vice President
Benjamin Jance is currently studying in Abu Dhabi and former officer of external affairs. Jance stressed that his previous experience in the Global Issues Network conference as well as Hall Council would give him the necessary background to be an effective Global Vice President. Jance also highlighted his experience in working on creating the Global Student Council.
Khadidja Dehbi
Running for:Officer for External Affairs
Khadidja Dehbi is running for the Officer for External Affairs. Dehbi wanted to create more opportunities to connect NYUAD students with local Emirati students. Dehbi said, “My hope is to see NYUAD become a part of the fabric of the community and Abu Dhabi so that our student body is exposed to new windows and avenues to engage and expand.”
Olivia Bergen
Running for: Officer of Communications
Olivia Bergen is currently studying away in Washington, D.C. Bergen highlighted two main areas in which she would work, student concerns and increasing accountability.
Robert Moroch
Running for: Treasurer
Robert Moroch is currently studying away in London. If elected Treasurer, Moroch said, “It will be my pleasure to work towards shaping the university in a way which addresses both the needs and concerns of students.”
Yuqi Sun
Running for: Treasurer
Yuqi Sun is currently studying away in New York. Sun said, “I will promote efficiency in this administration by facilitating more cooperation between SIG’s, university academic departments and external parties, building upon efforts of previous treasurers.” Sun also stressed his previous experience in preparing business and financial reports.
Andrew Pitts
Running for: Officer of Student Activities
Andrew Pitts is currently studying in Abu Dhabi. Pitts pointed to his experience working with the Campus Life Facilities Office and leading a Student Interest Group as evidence of his suitability for this office.
Keeryung Kim
Running for: Officer of Student Activities
Keeryung Kim is currently studying in Berlin. Kim wanted to improve communication between the budget committee and SIG leaders, hold a pre-SIG fair orientation for freshmen, increase SIG accountability and require SIG’s to be more realistic in their planned activities.