Image description: An image of a watermelon slice and swirls of juice, with a repeating background of cutlery in red, black, and green.
Image description: An image of a watermelon slice and swirls of juice, with a repeating background of cutlery in red, black, and green.

A lot of people have been vocalizing their love for D2 watermelon these days. This comes as no surprise since the widespread presence of the fruit in the dining hall is unmatched. When days get rough and finals season begins to take a toll, everyone knows that you can rely on the juicy, crunchy, and sweet watermelon at the salad bar. That is why I want to dedicate this piece to the watermelon chunks at D2, take it as a love letter if you may. Here is why I love the D2 watermelon:

Don’t You Just Love D2 Watermelon?

A lot of people have been vocalizing their love for D2 watermelon these days. This comes as no surprise since everyone knows that you can rely on the juicy, crunchy, and sweet watermelon at the salad bar.

Jan 7, 2024

A lot of people have been vocalizing their love for D2 watermelon these days. This comes as no surprise since the widespread presence of the fruit in the dining hall is unmatched. When days get rough and finals season begins to take a toll, everyone knows that you can rely on the juicy, crunchy, and sweet watermelon at the salad bar. That is why I want to dedicate this piece to the watermelon chunks at D2, take it as a love letter if you may. Here is why I love the D2 watermelon:
I have never had a fruit be so consistently good anywhere else on this campus. The melons can be tasteless and dry on some days while every other fruit comes in and out of the salad bar depending on the day. The other pieces of fruit, like the full apple or oranges on the side that people can just take, feel too serious and like too much of a commitment. It also feels weird to take them. Do I put them in a bowl? On the tray? Hold it in my hand? Everything except the bowl is dirty, but putting an apple in the salad bowl just feels wrong. Buying fruit from the convenience store is also too much of a commitment and frankly, it gets too expensive. Now, not only am I contributing to food waste, but I am also wasting my limited campus dirhams on fruit that I can never finish. You will never face this issue with watermelon. It is cut up and placed there for you to scoop up, put in a bowl, and pay with your meal swipe, no questions asked (except maybe if you want to pay with flex).
Perfect side-dish-ness:
Watermelon has become such a perfect thing to add to your meal to complete your meal swipe deal (because let’s be real, who actually gets the soup?). If I am going to D2 to have breakfast, it is a healthy addition to my plate of oily food on an empty stomach. For lunch, same deal, except this time, it cools you off and adds a sweet treat at the end of your meal, like dessert. Do not even get me started on dinner. The versatility of watermelon and its compatibility with every other food group at any time of day is something that has to be scientifically explored.
**Reminiscence: **
Watermelon is so symbolic for so many people around the world. Whether you think of long summer days and picnics by the beach every time you taste the juiciness of the watermelon, or you think of the days at your grandma’s house eating a watermelon-based dish, eating it always makes me reminisce on an easier time of my life. For me, I think of my Romanian grandmother's village and buying watermelon on the way to her house. It reminds me of my grandfather cutting it open on the table outside and everyone jumping to see if we picked the right watermelon. It also reminds me a lot of Arabs of eating watermelon with cheese and the unique intertwining of their flavors together that just works. I never thought I would have such a strong feeling for a fruit, but sitting in the middle of D2 and deciding where to put the seeds has reminded me of so many summer days and a youth that is now overshadowed by the looming feelings of dread as I remember that I have an essay due at 11:59 that I have not even started.
Wow, what a journey it is to eat watermelon. Who would have thought? I think if the watermelon from D2 ever disappeared I would have to rethink all of my food choices and how I will conduct my life moving forward. It would also trigger my abandonment issues. I think my love for watermelon is shared by the student body, but I do not know about everyone else on this campus. Oh well, don’t you just love D2 watermelon?
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