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Illustration by Gauri Kedia

The Annual Pink Fitness Games Go Virtual

The sixth edition of the Annual Pink Fitness Games relocated to a different platform but retained the same message.

On Oct. 12, the NYU Abu Dhabi Wellness Department held the sixth edition of the Annual Pink Fitness Games as a part of the programming for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The event, which migrated to Zoom this year, was different than usual. In addition to having fewer attendees due to limitations with the online platform, the event consisted of individual activities as opposed to the usual team activities. 17 members of the NYUAD community competed in rounds of a game aimed at raising awareness about breast health and building a community over pursuing fitness together.
The event began with Wayne Young, Director of Wellness, sharing personal stories that depicted his commitment to raising awareness about breast health as well as the importance of regular self-examination.
Kaisa Pedersen, Fitness and Wellness Specialist, explained that Young’s anecdotes are a Pink Fitness Games tradition because “even just hearing someone’s message is enough to potentially save someone’s life.”
Pedersen explained the rules of the game: participants had to move in a particular way until she named a household item which everyone had to find before continuing the movement. There were lots of smiles as the participants, most of whom were decked out in pink clothing, rushed to grab everything from toothpaste to towels — all while music played and Young provided running commentary.
Winners were chosen based on effort and enthusiasm in order to be inclusive and prioritize the sense of community. “We genuinely … watch for enthusiasm, energy and effort. This is one event out of the year where anyone can give it a go … and just having fun is part of the event,” Pedersen affirmed.
She added: “Things have changed but we’re still [going to] keep our traditions going that we have, and they just look different in the Zoom format.” She also stated that the Wellness Department will continue to spread the message that lies at the core of the event and hopes that everyone who participated will do so too.
Naeema Mohammed Sageer is Deputy News Editor. Email her at
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