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All pictures in this essay were photographed by Fiona Lin and Raunak Shrestha

Camp[us] Cats

A photo essay into the lives of NYUAD’s feline friends.

Mar 7, 2020

Frequently seeking attention for gentle pets and belly rubs, campus cats are a unique aspect of life at NYU Abu Dhabi.
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A furry friend clearly annoyed at being ambushed by a budding feline photographer.
A lot of people treat these cats as their own pets. New cat arrivals on campus are marked by Room of Requirement polls to name them and inquiries about their vaccinations. A few people even go so far as to pitch in money for visits to the vet if a cat is sick or injured.
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*These two cats can be frequently seen sleeping outside the Arts Center and are pictured here using each other as pillows. *
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Soaking in the Abu Dhabi sun
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Taking some time off from humans by hiding under the bushes.
These cats are no strangers to fame. A student-run Instagram account for campus cats has reached 1,000 followers. Students can submit their campus cat pictures and stories.
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Some cats, like the one pictured above, like being cuddled.
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A campus cat and a human sealing a secret deal with a handshake
While most cats on campus live outdoors, one cat, named Streetcat, gets indoor privileges in the Engineering Design Studio. Streetcat keeps students pulling all-nighters company. She was particularly popular in 2018 when rumors began to surface about Streetcat becoming the successor to former NYUAD Vice Chancellor, Al Bloom.
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Streetcat loves snuggling up in blankets at the EDS
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Getting ready to pounce towards a new cat that is invading its territory
However, there are a few who are bothered by the cats’ presence on campus. In the last few semesters, the growing campus cat population has led to some traumatized students picking up their food trays and dejectedly heading indoors to finish their meals in peace.
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Tired of the heat, a campus cat can be seen sleeping under the shade of a bush
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Tired after a day’s work of meowing and asking for affection, two cats can be seen retiring to bed
Amna Asif is Deputy Features Editor. Email her at
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