The Gazelle
Mar 2, 2025
Niko Besnier
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as the social sciences were acquiring the disciplinary divisions we know today, researchers concerned with...
Zoe H
In his recent op-ed piece for The New York Times, journalist Jim Sleeper opened his argument with a biting metaphor, describing NYU Shanghai’s ...
Ayesha Khan
Dubai has several monikers ranging from the city of gold to the business capital of the Arab world, but Abu Dhabi residents know it more humbly as a...
Nicole Lopez del Carril
Stephen Underwood
Joey Bui
Oliver Andersson Hugemark
Tessa Ayson
Cole Tanigawa-Lau
A friend recently showed me a hilarious article by Dennis Dutton about the ghastly writing now common in professional journals. Dutton argues that ...
There is a small U.S. American flag above the writing desk in my dorm. It’s easy to miss, and even I often forget that the stars and stripes I have...
Alistair Blacklock
NYU Abu Dhabi’s Student Government General Assembly passed a proposed amendment on Sept. 17 to change the election cycle for its executive board from...
For NYU Abu Dhabi, September brings not only changes in policies, courses and demographics, but also a new city. Abu Dhabi’s rapid evolution replaces...
Julia Saubier
Ten full-time, paid employment opportunities have been posted on CareerNet for several weeks, and as of Thursday, Sept. 19, not a single student has...
In a few short months, graduate school acceptances and post-graduation employment rates will test the success of NYU Abu Dhabi. With the graduation...
Jood Shiqem
In an effort to keep improving and to keep up with the now much larger student body, the NYU Abu Dhabi Fitness Center has introduced new staff, new...
Costanza Maio
The art exhibit MinD/Body: Body Art and Performance in the Gulf Area held its opening on Sept. 19 at the Downtown Campus. Attracting a crowd of ...
NYU Abu Dhabi celebrated the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21 by inviting students and members of the wider UAE community to a peace-themed...
Reading newspapers in English, French, German and Russian has become part of Professor of Sociology George Derlugyan’s routine as the crisis in Syria...
Abu Dhabi’s courting couples have found an unexpected new place to kindle their love — the Plant Souk at Mina Port. The many rows of greens, from ...
Chaeri Lee
Just as the Chinese world celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival, Koreans also celebrate Chuseok, a three-day event that marks the end of a successful ...
Emily Wang
They sit in lectures and in Foundations of Science labs. In the morning, they come down with the same elevators to the lobby. At night, they can be...
Kristina Bogos
With the temperature hovering around 40 degrees Celsius, venturing outside of Sama Tower seems like a daunting task. Escape the Abu Dhabi heat and...
As students at NYUAD, we often hear questions like, “Don’t you have to wear that … thing?” and “Can you, you know, show your ankles there?” from ...
Emina Osmandzikovic
It might be slightly unorthodox to talk about outdoor attractions in Abu Dhabi because of the heat and unbearable humidity. For all those who have...
Connor Pearce
When navigating Abu Dhabi, it may be wise to stand on the shoulders of others. Walking in any direction from Sama Tower could lead one to believe...